Week 13 BVSc

Hello lovely people I hope you all had an amazing week last week, sorry I didn’t do a post yesterday, its been a manic weekend. I’ll just recap my week in this short post, next week I’m planning on doing a post about saving money and the tips about finance for students.
So this week has been pretty full on, it’s been my first full week of lectures, now this is a bit of a sore topic for vet students because we were the only course in the whole university that had lectures last week, everyone else either had their final exams or had the week off. So Monday was a long day, we were semi thrown in at the deep end, we had 4 lectures all about teeth and the mouth. This made me realise that veterinary is one of the hardest degrees not only do we have to do what dental students do in multiple species but also we have to do what doctors do in multiple species. I’m not diminishing the other degrees that one can do, however I am saying that what we have to know is rather broad.
On Tuesday we had quite a nice day with a practice SAQ session which semi helped but wasn’t that useful, in the afternoon we had a really good histology practical that I actually understood which is always nice. In the evening I went to ergs and well it was quite a shit session, I just didn’t feel like I was moving well or had enough power in my legs which was frustrating. However that morning I had had a good S&C session with reasonable weights and improved form.
Wednesday was yet another busy day I didn’t gym in the morning which I think was a very good idea because it meant that I had listened to my body and didn’t push myself too hard. Our practical was a stationed practical which was a bit annoying because I do really enjoy the practical’s where we get to dissect the animals, after that we had a good old Phil lecture which I had to rush away from at the end so that I could run back to halls and get my bike to cycle to rowing. The session overall went pretty well, however I think Eleanor and I were both a little frustrated that we weren’t rowing amazingly well, but I was tired and she was stressed about exams. We cycled back I think the fastest we ever have because we left very late.
Thursday was a classic Langford day as always, actually one of our quietest ones ever, we had a well being lecture first which was quite a bore because I already do a lot to help  my mental health and I do all that I can to ensure that I’m OK, I have had to work hard on it and it is a constant battle to make sure that I keep on track with it. After a very picture filled housing lecture we had lunch and left to go see a goat farm which was without a doubt the best afternoon I’ve had at uni so far, I love goats as I’ve worked on a goats farm in the past. We spent the whole afternoon cuddling the kids and I ended up sitting in a large pen of 1 year old goats just allowing them to wonder around me and sniff me and chew me and I was just soooooo happy. Then in the evening I had one of the best erg sessions I’ve had in a long time, I had my technique a lot better and so my times were better and because id eaten a big lunch I had enough energy in me to actually perform well and that really just topped my day off.
Friday was interesting to say the least, in the morning I found out that I passed my exam that I thought I’d failed last week which is always a positive, and although I only got 56% I am so happy I passed and that’s all that matters. During the lectures of the day which were all about digestion we went from simple A-level biology to what the bloody hell is going on in about two minutes and then after that I tried out a new method of revision which is making flash cards on quizlet which hopefully will help me. Then in the evening I went to watch The Favourite which is a wonderful film and one that you can really debate about with people after which I always enjoy.
Saturday was a weird day, I went to S&C in the morning and got a new dead lift PB at 80kg which I was happy about. Then I got the bus back and cooked a chicken tikka masala for next week. After that I spent a few hours talking to a good friend who is over the other side of the world, which is always lovely to do. Then I spent the afternoon just chilling and before I knew it, it was 6pm and I just had a few things to do on my laptop then I tried to get to bed early because on Sunday morning I was up at 5am. Sunday morning was very amusing my alarm went off and I had to question what day it was and why the hell I was up at this ungodly hour. Then I remember I had a full day of rowing ! so we left at 6am and got to Cardiff for 7am, I then wasn’t racing until 12:30pm which was very cold to stand and watch all of the other competitors, and it got to the point where I was sore from S&C on Saturday and I was tensing all my muscles in the cold that everything hurt when I finally warmed up. We got into our boat and rowing up the course was sooooo difficult at some points we just weren’t moving because the wind was so strong. Waiting in marshalling was the worst bit because we were there for an hour sitting very still and it was windy and hailing and freezing, finally when it was our turn to race to went up turned around and raced. It all went well we finished the race, I didn’t crash into anything which is a miracle and we then got out of our boat and were gone ASAP. When I got home mum came and picked me up and drive me home home and then Abbie came over which was so nice and I just chilled and went to bed.
So that was my week very manic and full on but a good first week back to lectures, I hope you all enjoyed reading this, as I said next week I’m planning on doing my tips for finance next week which I hope will help some people. Hope you all have an amazing week and remember to keep smiling because you never know it could make someone’s day.  


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