A New Year

Hello lovely people of the world, I hope you all had a wonderful New Year. I am going to talk about my aims for the year this blog and talk about how I revise throughout the holidays. I hope you enjoy this blog and the many to come in 2019, lets make this the best year yet.

So here are my goals for the year;

  1. I am going to become more body confident; I spend a lot of time in the gym trying to become strong and improve my body, I enjoy eating right however I have never really been body confident, in the mirror when I look at myself I see all the things wrong with me. So to combat this I am starting up an fitness Instagram page. I understand that not many people will follow me but it is going to be a lot more me than my actual Instagram, you're going to see the ugly sweaty side of me but hopefully at the same time you're going to see the happiness the gym gives me so push my body to the limits. I hope that this motivates some of you as well. I'm not sure I'll ever be happy with my body but this is the start of my journey and self love. 
  2. I will learn to relax and not feel bad about it; This is something I've always struggled with. I'm not certain about how I'm going to go about this however I am going to try. I think the best way to go about this is scheduling movie nights for myself at least once a week, or doing what one of my fave you-tubers (Gracefituk) does  which is work until late during the week but then takes at least 1.5 days off during the weekend. It's going to be a system of trial an error but I  promise to work it out. 
  3. I will get to the senior rowing squad, I'm going to push myself so hard in the gym and on the erg and in extra training. I will learn to eat enough to give me energy and develop as an athlete. This is going to happen I believe it all of my heart, I can't wait to see where this year takes me in my rowing.
  4. I hope to pass my first year exams with at least 65%, this may not seem like a lot, I managed to get 76% in my first exam of the year however I know that it will only get harder. I'm going to have to perfect my revision technique and knowledge retainment. I believe that I can do this, it will be hard and stressful but I can do it. 
  5. My final goal is to enjoy the year, I am so lucky to be where I am, at university studying veterinary where I've always wanted to be. I am lucky to have an amazing family who support me. I am lucky to have an incredible group of friends and an amazing boyfriend who I love dearly. I wish the best to everyone, wherever you are in the world. I want us to all enjoy this year and take everything as it comes. 
Thank you so much for reading I realise I haven't talked about my revision however I've got a whole long week of revision left before I go back to uni, so next week I am going to do a whole blog dedicated to different revision techniques and how I organise and motivate myself. I hope you have an amazing week, remember to smile, you never know you could make someones day by just by this simple gesture. 


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