What would the world be like if we could regenerate nerves?

Hello people reading this I hope you're all well and have enjoyed the lovely weather the UK has experienced over the last week. If you're not in the UK then I hope the weather is decent where you are. I'm sorry for not posting for a while, I'm going to try and keep posting 4 times a month maybe not every week but when I'm free I will post as much as possible. Good news is I've just received an offer from Bristol University to study veterinary science. I'm soooooo happy about this I really like the university and I know the city really well, however now I do have to now choose between Liverpool and Bristol and I have a few weeks to decide but I'm sure wherever I decide I'll love it.

So I think that this weeks topic is really exciting. The main question steming from this title is, why don't humans repair their nerves? Well this is a question that Karen Echeverri PhD from the University of Minnesota has been trying to answer. It is known that other species on this planet can regenerate nerves for example the Mexican Salamander (axolotl ), this endangered species has been giving scientist and doctors clues to healing spinal cord injuries.

The Axolotl can regenerate limbs, heart tissue and its spinal cord, making it a very special species. The way Dr Echeverri and her research team have been going about the problem is by comparing the similarities and differences between the genetics of humans and the axolotl. In the axolotl when an injury occurs to the spinal cord the glial cells kick into high gear, proliferating rapidly and repositioning to rebuild nerve connection in the cord. In humans the glial cells play a completely different role, they cause scar tissue to be formed which blocks the nerves rather than fix them.

Upon studying the molecular mechanisms within these glial cells it was found that in both cases the gene c-Fos which affects gene expression is used for the axolotls this is vital for regeneration. But in humans though we have the c-Fos gene it works with protein functions in concert with other proteins in the JUN family, so instead of regeneration we have reactive gliosis happen which causes scar tissue to form. In the axolotl the glial cells are regulated on the cell circuit and directed towards the regenerative response. So this research has given scientist the start of the clues they need to maybe in the future help spinal cord patients or help create scar free wound heeling.

All of this hasn't given us the answer to our question however what it has done is show that this is possible, more research does need to be carried out on the genetics and the differences between us and the salamander. However I believe that this research is so important and in the future could really help the medical field excel in nerve injuries. The thought that some day patients may be able to get treatment after a spinal cord injury before the human glial cells for scar tissue that will regenerate the cord is truly phenomenal and who knows maybe one day this will reach the veterinary profession and be used on top horses or animals in need of this lifesaving treatment.

Thank you for reading I hope you have enjoyed it and that it made some sense. I shall hope to see you back here when I next get the chance to post. I will also keep you updated on the university front. Thank you again and remember to keep smiling and count all your blessings.


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