Week 15 BVSc

Hello, hello lovely people, I hope you all had an amazing week. I also hope that your week ahead is looking just as bright. Back to a normal uni blog now, just going to address some things that I think have affected me recently and just a general check in of how I'm doing. Next week I'm planning on doing an interesting post about leishmania, I've started reading the article but haven't yet finished it so that'll be next weeks topic.

So recently mental health has been a big thing, I've noticed a few things that are quite upsetting because it's so hard to try and change the way you think and when you get into this type of mindset it's just so hard to get out of it. So I noticed that I have started to have a very negative outlook on my body, now this has always been an issue for me however recently I've been training up to 8 times a week for rowing and I've been seeing changes in my body and I've got into the mindset that I need to be better and I need to look my best physically at all times. This has lead to me becoming negative about food, so as you know, or may not know, I meal prep my food every week and it's got to the stage where if I eat something that I haven't prepped then I hate myself and I hate on my body. This isn't fair to me and currently I don't feel like I'm eating enough calories for the amount of training I'm doing, however I'm not losing dramatic amounts of weight, so even though people tell me that I need to be snacking, I just cant mentally I have a block and I'm terrified about becoming fat and hating my body even more than I do currently. I have started up a fitness Instagram account to try and make to more confident and positive about my body and it's slowly getting there but I know it's something that is definitely going to come with time. I have also noticed which I know is completely understandable, that I am missing my dog and my Granny who both passed away over the Christmas period. I wouldn't say I am sad but I do miss both of them they gave so much to my life and to the lives of so many. I know everyone has down days but for me it is so sad to realise that being in my own company and just being in my own head is so detrimental to my well-being. That may have made no sense but what I'm trying to say is that at the moment when I'm by myself and it's a bad day then I can tend to spirale down into the depths of my brain and almost shut myself away. It takes a lot to pull myself out sometimes and not be consumed by it but I manage it and I know that everything will be OK in the end.

Sorry so start on such a depressing note. To be fair the next topic isn't dramatically better. I got back all of my exam results, so I passed two of the exams which I was very happy about but it did take some getting used to about the fact that I'd worked so hard and only passed with around 60% but oh well it's a pass. For my spot test which definitely felt like the worst exam I think I got just above 40% which isn't really a pass, hopefully I still will have passed all of them overall. I just feel like I worked so hard for these exams and obviously the revision methods didn't work, so I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board and really work out what is best for me.

Non-stop university, that's how it is for me. I have lectures Monday- Friday and both days of the weekend I have rowing training, along with meal prepping all of my food, getting any work from the week done and planning the next week and doing any pre-work for that. It's safe to say that I never really get a day off, which I have to admit does get tough, it makes me constantly tired which gets tough because I get tired of being tired and then I get really down about it. I am working on this and I do try to give myself time off but I struggle to chill and have fun, and so stuff it always in the back of my mind. It's a work in progress but I'll sort it out.

That nicely moves me into my section about rowing. I am starting to like rowing a bit more at the moment because I am only sculling and I'm in the development squad. I try to do 3 weight sessions a week then 2 erg sessions and 2-3 water sessions, the erg and water sessions each include 30 min runs which kills me every time. I do struggle the most with erg sessions just because they can vary so much depending on how your day went or how sore you are or how much you've eaten. I really want to get good at rowing but it's just such a long uphill climb at the moment and I have to keep reminding myself that hopefully one day I'll find it as easy as swimming.

Finally my new revision techniques, so I'm trying out making quizlet flashcard sets at the moment straight after lectures kind of like what I was doing when I was making notes afterwards. Hopefully this will help me when it comes to revision and also each weekend I am trying to read over the stuff from the previous week to keep it going through in my head. Hopefully this'll work for me but I will keep you updated on the progress from the new methods.

Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the blog, well done for making it this far if you are still reading this. I hope to see you back here next week and I promise it is going to be a more veterinary based blog. Remember to keep smiling because you never know it could make someones day. 


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