New Years Resolutions

Hello hello wonderful people I hope that you all had a great New Year and I hope that your new years resolutions are still holding true. For me my New Year was very busy I finished work at 3 AM. I know that many of you may not have made new years resolution because you think that you won’t keep them up. However I think that years resolutions are great thing to aim towards, my New Year’s resolutions are to get into an exercise routine, allow myself some time off and to get into uni.

All of these will hopefully keep going throughout the year.  I am also going to aim like last year to do a blog almost every week last year I managed 40 posts which I’m really happy with this year I’m aiming for 45 which I think is very doable.

So this week again having been very busy at work I’ve not had time to read the news however I did want to comment on a few things. And sort of write out my full aims for the year here so that I feel really accountable for them. I know that on here I try to be really positive, I do this because I like to make others happy and encourage them to be happy. However in real life I have my down days where I doubt everything. Everyone has these days and I think it’s important to know that everyone has them and that you have people around you that you can talk to about it.

So this year one of my aims is to get into an exercise routine. Due to my jobs I can’t swim train and I can only row every so often. So I’ve signed up to a fitness app and I do 3 sessions a week. This works for me because I can really push myself hard due to me being very internally motivated. I’m doing this because I want to become more toned and generally fitter. I also want to learn to love my body, I think that this is something we all need to do, to love our bodies is to accept our flaws and learn to love them. I believe that this is important because it helps us mentally be healthier and happier. I’m not saying that you should allow yourself to become overweight and obese because though that is loving your body it is not respecting your body and that’s really important in order to stay fit and healthy both mentally and physically.

Number two, I want to try and stay positive, I know on here I come across as a positive person well at least I try to. But in reality I can be really down some days and all I want to do is crash and let my body shut down. Like all the effort I put in will never be enough and I’ll never get to where I want to go. It’s on days like these that I want to change this year and stop myself and think no I can do this and I will do this no matter what the cost I will achieve my goals and I will prove people wrong. I know that this is going to be easier said than done but I will try my hardest and if you do read these blogs weekly and you notice I’m down in one of them comment and tell me to brighten up.

Another one is to watch what I eat. I strongly believe that you are what you eat. I want to try and meal prep for each week and not eat many bad foods. I’m not going to cut them out completely because I am allowed to treat myself however I am going to try and eat more greens and fruits because if you eat well then your brain works better and all in all you will feel happier and you won’t bloat , physically and mentally you will feel better for it. So I’m going to try and get back into meal prepping.

One aim is to write on this blog every week. Of course I’m going to have a few weeks I won’t say exam weeks or if I’m abroad on holiday but I’m defiantly going to do over 45 posts this year. Thought hardly and people are going to read this and the posts throughout the whole year I hope you accomplish your New Years resolutions.

I’ve also written out a load of cards with small aims for each day. So the plan is each morning I pick out one card and that will be my aim for the day for example it could say take a break or be kind or smile or write an extra blog post or tidy your room. I wrote out about 50 of them and I’m just going to pick one at random every day and try to do it throughout the day.

This year also as a general aim I want to completely finish my bedroom which has been redone. I need to put my pinboard up and my picture wall up and sort out some finally decorations but I really want to get it finished. Hopefully this will be done by March at least that’s the aim.

Along with writing my blog every week I’m going to try and read the veterinary news every week and each month try to read a study on an area that interests me. I think that this will not only help me in my blog posts but also develop as a veterinary student and allow me to form opinions and arguments on a much sounds basis and understanding.

So those are all of my aims for the year obviously the main aim is to get into uni it always has been and always will be. I hope that you are all on top of your New Years resolutions. Write them out so you can see them every day that way you’ll be more likely to stick to them. Thank you so much for reading I promise to do a veterinary based post next week. Happy new year to you all and remember stay happy.


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