Why My Year off is Going to Help Me.

Hello wonderful people who are reading this, I hope that your week has gone well and you fulfilled and appreciative of life. Carrying on, this week isn't really about the veterinary news but more about me, so some of you may find this extremely boring and if so, have a good week and I hope to see you next time, if not, well then on with the show.

So recently I've been thinking; How is this year out going to change me and make me a better candidate for studying veterinary at university? And I came up with a few things.

1.This year I am working two jobs. One is in a pub and the other is at Sainsbury's, I love both of them and I think that they are both beneficial to me in many ways.
  • At the pub I'm working as front of house, so I serve, take orders, work the bar, polish glasses and cutlery and help out as much as I can. I believe that this job is really helping develop me because some of the time I have to deal with say a drinks order that I'm not sure of and I've learnt to use my initiative to find out the drink types and how to describe them. This fast thinking I believe is useful for veterinary when under time pressure situations. Also at the pub I have to deal with some tricky customers and I've learnt now how to deal with them so that I don't feel intimidated and so that even when it's super busy I can stay calm and tend to each individual customer with the same care. Working as a team is super important at the pub because when it gets busy we have to be assigned jobs and we all need to stick to that job, most of the time I will be put in charge of a restaurant that sits 30, so I have to keep track of all of the tables and relay any comments back to the kitchen because that is the hub of the pub and it's from there that people judge the pub. This is a useful skill because communication and teamwork is vital within a veterinary practice.
  • At Sainsbury's I stack shelves and work on the checkouts. This job is not the most exhilarating job however I believe that it is important for everyone to be able to do these kind of jobs and find the fun in it and to always look on the bright side, I for one have done this and have ended up crying with laughter more than once in the middle of Sainsbury's. Stacking shelves has to be done at quite a pace because we have to have got everything out by the end of the day. Throughout the day we are required to keep an eye out on all of our sections. This requires me to always be alert and thinking about the next task and planning out my time so that I can get everything done. Transferring this skill over into a veterinary practice and into uni I think that being able to keep a check on how your day is panning out is so important so that if you get hit with an unexpected load of work you can then change and prioritise your time most efficiently so that you get as much done as possible. At uni this is especially important because learning to prioritise is key to staying on top of work and allowing yourself to have a balance between work and chill time. At Sainsbury's along with having to get everything out onto the shelves, I can get called to checkouts at any time, this can throw off all of your plans because you don't know how long you are going to be on checkouts, I can translate this to being in practice and an emergency case coming in or being on call and having a large case come in, you have to drop everything and go which though in my case it isn't as dramatic as in practise it is the same idea. Helping customers is something I love doing just because making their day easier is always nice. When I'm on checkouts I love to chat to people and I always wish them a good day because even if they were rude to me I don't know their story so I can't judge them.  
Though these jobs are only giving me soft skills for life I believe that they are all transferable and I will be able to use all of them in the future. Also working has made me more confident in going up and speaking to people I don't know, I feel that this is a major positive I can take from this year.

2. Academics, this year I am retaking my chemistry and some maths exams and it is very very different than being at school because at school you have your whole day planned out, this year I'm having to plan out when I'm going to get all of my academic work in around my jobs. I think that this skill is really going to help me at uni because I will be able to use my time wisely and organise myself so that I have time for other things, because having a balance is so important, I hope that whoever you are reading this takes that from this blog, remember to take time for yourself; meditate, do sport, read, watch TV or just chill it is so important. Carrying on so I think that this year being accountable for all of my learning is so useful to me, at sixth form I thought that I was being fully accountable but I didn't realise how much the school actually supported us. So this year I am being accountable and getting on with my work and organising chemistry tutoring sessions and times with my dad to do maths.

3. Learning to cook and meal prep, now I know this is a weird one because well I think it just is but hear me out, so this year I have been starting to meal prep and to learn to make some cheap healthy dishes with my mum that I can cook in bulk for when I'm at uni. Now I think that food and nutrition is really important especially at uni because you are learning everyday and your body needs the energy in order for you to be as productive as possible. So my thoughts are that if I can get this down to a T now then when I get to uni I won't have to spend the whole year struggling by trial and error to see what food work or just get fat from eating junk food and a really unhealthy diet. I don't know about you but when I eat bad food I feel terrible but the sad thing is that in todays society it is easier and cheaper to buy the unhealthy foods that to buy the healthier alternatives. So being able to cook and fuel my body correctly is an important learning curve for me this year.

4. This year I am also learning a lot about money and the tax system, which I believe should be taught at schools because it is going to be such a vital part of all of our lives on day and we need to know and understand about it as early as possible. Keeping us in a bubble isn't going to help us in the long run.

5. This year I'm learning to be mentally strong. So this year I keep having points where I get down about all of my friends being at uni and having a great time while I'm stuck here and it really does get me down, however it's in moments like that in which I have to remind myself that is wasn't my lack of trying that I didn't get into uni because last year I really gave it my all. So this year I believe was meant to happen and I am going to grow as a person from it as you can see in my short list above I'm two months in and I already feel I've learnt so much. Having a positive mentality all the time is impossible and I can admit that I have a lot of negative talk in my head and a lot of self doubt about whether I'm going to get any offers this year and whether I'm just going to be written off immediately, however I tell myself what will be will be and I can try to do everything in my power to make sure that I get to where I want to be and fulfil my dream of becoming a vet.

Thank you so much for reading, sorry if you found it boring. To be honest if you are still reading I congratulate you! though I'm not doing any more work experience this year due to my jobs and academics I am still so certain I want this, nothing will deter me I am going to do this one way or another. I hope you all have an amazing week, remember count your blessings and stay positive I'll see you next week.



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