Hello I'm back !!!

Hello I'm back from travelling, I hope that so far everyone is having a very good summer, or whatever season it is where you are from. I have just got back from travelling and wow do I have so many amazing stories. However this is a veterinary news blog so I can't tell any of my stories all I can say is that all of the people I met whilst travelling were amazing and so lovely. And don't worry I'm already planning my next adventure, not exactly sure when I'll have the money if I do start Uni in September but hey what will be will be, on with the blog.

So catching up on the news I noticed one interesting piece about how there may be a 9th veterinary school opening in the UK, this is due to brexit and the worry that many non-UK vets may leave the country or EU trained vets may leave. So the new vet school, the talks have started between two universities Keele university and Harper Adams university, these two universities would host a 5 year veterinary degree course where all students would come out with a bachelor of veterinary science degree, the course would be carried out in facilities on both of the universities campuses. But the universities would then have to seek RCVS accreditation now this can take some time, however at the rate in which brexit is going at the moment I think that these universities could be accredited before the main toll of brexit on the veterinary profession in the UK has been seen. A few spokespeople of the universities have said that this course would really harmonise with the other courses taught at the universities such as agriculture, by looking at the agri-food production and working alongside farmers. Also it will tie in with medicine and the research and practical labs available.

I think that this is a very good idea however as I don't want to live in the UK later in my life, I have the idea that if I don't get into university this year that I am going to look abroad. I know that I have probably said this before but I think that it would be a wonderful experience. I think I would look at Australia and the main land Europe.

So again I hope that everyone is having an amazing time, make sure to keep your pets cool this summer and well hydrated I have already read on the news about one TV presenters dogs passing away, and I don't want it to every happen to anyone, so people reading this be careful in the heat. Also sorry this is so short, but just remember if your feeling down go do something like sport or read a book or watch TV even do some headspace as I've suggested previously on a few of these blogs, thank you so much again for reading and putting up with my drivel, I hope to be doing another post on Friday before I leave for Canada on Saturday. Bye !


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