sleep, stress and scottish fold cats

Hello people reading this I hope you are having a good day. Right down to business in the news this week I saw an article about how the BVA released a statement about how Scottish fold cats shouldn't be allowed to be bread. now this sparked my interest as I remember doing a post about breeding of dogs with genetic problems so I was interested in the fact that this is also happening in cats. I mean I know that it will happen in every bread species however the most commonly known ones are dogs. I also saw an article about sleep and stress and how the two affect each other which I thought related to my life right now what with A-levels just around the corner and AAA needed in my obscenely hard A-levels.

Right, down to business. First off sleep and stress now these two things I feel are linked heavily together and though I'm not an expert on them I can give some of my own personal tips and ways to overcome what may seem so difficult at the moment. Medical journals suggest that we should have 8 hours of sleep a night, they say that this is what our brain and body needs to get rid of the toxins that are produced in our bodies during the day. However there has also been documentation that some people can survive on much less sleep, so it is purely how your body deals with toxins. For me I can work well off of about 7 hours sleep. So here come some of my tips.
  1. If you are stressed; try doing something that will take your mind off real life problems, for me tis is swimming or any form of exercise, for others it may be reading or yoga or watching TV just anything.
  2. If you are fining it hard to get to sleep; I know they say you need to practice what you preach but I often ignore this which isn't good, I would advise that an hour before bed you don't go on and screens this allows your brain to start switching off and the light from the screens causes chemicals to be released that make us more awake.
  3. Routine; your body loves routine so try to get to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning for me this is bed at 10:30pm and wake up at 6:00am this gives me around 7 hours sleep by the time I actually fall asleep. by doing this you can experiment how many hours your body needs as well by adjusting the times slightly.
  4. Just before bed; for me just before bed as I mentioned I do Headspace, now for any students reading this at the moment Spotify student premium comes with free headspace now I can't recommend this enough just try it and see how it goes for me it really helps my brain switch off.
  5. Time tabling; I find it really beneficial to time table my entire day out as it allows me peace of mind to know that I'm not wasting time and helps to prevent myself becoming stressed, I know that this won't work for everyone however around exams I find this really helpful as it ensures no time is wasted, I do ensure though that I have breaks and do exercise every day.
  6. Hobbies;I know that veterinary is a very stressful profession, but for vets to keep their mental health in check they must ensure that for some part of the day they aren't thinking about their job, they need a time where their brains are switched off. I believe that it is very important to find that hobby that allows you to do that as it means your brain can declutter and chill.
  7. Stress affecting sleep; if I'm stressed about an exams the night before I will try to not look at that subject or think about it too much as I said earlier I swim to forget about things. you just need to find that thins so that when you go to bed your brain s switched off, I have also recently been talking to myself in my head and picturing the moment I get my exam results and breaking down in tears as I've got the grades I needed and am going to Uni. I do this as to put me in a positive state of mind because if you enter a situation and you've already had self doubt or told yourself you can't do it then your not going to perform to your best. That's my theory anyway.
  8. Down falter; if you are stressed about something coming up tomorrow don't stay up late thinking about it, get an early night by using the methods I talked about, staying up late either working or panicking will mess with your sleep routine so you will be even more tired. also if you have timetabled then you shouldn't be working late into the night to finish an assessment or piece of work there will be free hours in the day to do that.

Anyway so that's just a few tips, methods and pieces of advise for sleep, stress and worry now onto a completely different topic of Scottish fold cats.

The BVA this week released a statement in April saying they advise the breeding of Scottish fold cats to stop, due to health problems with the cats. These cats have become more popular as celebrities have got them as their pets, they are known for their small floppy ears and big eyes ( I'll put a pic at the bottom), however this ear shape is due to a genetic condition that means that the cats often will die quite young and in pain. The president of the BVA said that this was a prime example of prioritising how pets looked rather than their quality of life. The reason their ears flop is due to the cartilage being deformed this occurs in other parts of the cats and can lead to certain types of arthritis. this breed of cat was removed from the UK's pedigree cat registry in the 1970's due to concerns such as these. The BVA has now said that it has banned to advertisement of flat faced dog breeds due to genetic conditions and it will be reviewing the use of Scottish flow cats. personally I don't think that this is fair on the cats they are in pain and we aren't bothering to stop this breeding because people want pretty cats I think that this is a step in the right direction but more needs to be done, and yes you may argue that most pedigree breeds have some sort of genetic condition however if it can be shown that the animals is in pain then the breed shouldn't be bread as pedigree any more.

Image result for scottish fold cat

Thank you for reading I hope this was helpful and gave you some ideas about sleep and dealing with stress, and that you enjoyed the little random bit at the end, see you next week.


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