Self Doubt

Hello anyone reading this, hope you are having a good day. So this week I'm writing about self doubt, I know that its something everyone suffers from but this week I was thinking about vets and how they suffer from it. Recently I have had a lot of self doubt about my A-levels. but lets just carry on with the blog.

So self doubt, is an internal talk where you question yourself, for me recently I have been questioning myself about my ability to complete my A-levels and get the grades I need. I think I mentioned in a previous blog how I've been trying to imagine myself getting the grades I need and breaking down in tears of joy. Well at the moment I'm finding that quite though exams are just around the corner and I don't feel ready what if I do the same thing I did last year in my biology where I forgot all of the key vocab. It's scary thought like these which are my self doubt kicking in, I know that I've work as hard as I can this year so nothing will get in my way to getting my grades. I know that if I go into these exams with this doubt in my head I've already lost some marks and let the self doubt win so when I walk into my exams I'm going to try to be confident and tell myself I can do this. That way I won't make as many errors and I will do well. I hope anyone reading this who is also doing exams feels prepared and ready for exams just remember walk in there thinking you've learnt all that there is, you've work your backside off for a whole year, you can do this.

Now onto vets, they have to make decisions every day with the animals welfare at the forefront of their minds. Vets will try everything within their power to save your animal however sometimes everything isn't enough and the animal may need to be put down anyway. It's in these moment that I think vets can have self doubt, questioning was it the right thing to do to put the animals through the stress of treatment when it still had to be put down anyway. This is when the vet needs to look back and access what happened, the animal must have been well enough for the treatment to go ahead but not all treatments work for every animal or ailment . The veterinary profession is full of many internal "what ifs?", I think that it's these what ifs that lead to veterinary being one of the jobs with the highest suicide rate, along with the pressure long hours and low pay. But vets have chosen to be vets they are strong people who have worked hard to get to the point they are at. They nee to realise they are skilled enough and have enough knowledge to have made the correct decision for the case and though it may not work out the fact of the matter is they gave it all that they had and thought was best at the time. Yes this may not have been the correct thing to do however vets need to be able you review how they responded to a case and learn from what they may have not done the best originally. I saw a quote the other day which said " the only real mistake is one which we learn nothing". This is what vets need to think if they are having self doubt talks they need to say this, you have to learn from your mistakes to become a  better professional.

So I know that this is quite a short blog but what I would love people reading this to take away is that this self doubt only makes you a weaker person, try to talk positive talk self talk. If you go into something doubting yourself then it is very likely that you won't do you best. So positive talk and the world if full of ifs and buts you can't change this just always do your best and what you believe is right for this situation. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it and just remember be positive!


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