Happy New Year

I would like to take this opportunity to wish anyone reading this a very happy new year and the best of luck for whatever 2017 holds for you. so yesterday I wrote out my new years resolutions, one of them was to get fitter. This made me think of ways I could do that and one thing I thought of was my dog. this conveniently links in with my EPQ.

So in the new year I know a lot of people make the promise to themselves that they are going to shift that extra bit of weight around their middle. but when you decide to do this you should think about your dog too. A recent survey done by the BVA found that 62% of companion animals vets believe that obesity is a major concern.

So this year when going to lose that weight think about how you can do it with your dog, they may have to lose some weight as well. I personally have never had trouble with my dogs weight she has always been on the slim side, however when I want to lose some weight she is always the best companion to do it with, I go for runs with her and you can do that with your dogs as well. Even if it's only a short jog, an extra lap around your local park, a long countryside walk or a run, all of these will help both you and your dog to lose a bit of weight. If your dog still isn't able to shift the weight either ask your vet or think about changing their diet.

Changing the diet this is something we immediately think of when we want to lose weight through it needs to be paired with exercise preferably. When changing your dogs diet it is a good idea to ask the vet for their opinion, or you can always to research on line. Sometimes you don't have to change the food just the amount you are giving them. Which is the same for humans if you think about it. So controlling your dogs diet and yours can help both of you and you can both learn to adapt to the new diet together.

Reducing both your weight and the dogs and becoming fitter will help you both to no end, it will relieve pressure on your joints, reduce the risk of things like heart disease and diabetes for both you and your dog. Not only this but like I said in my EPQ it will help your mental well-being, exercising reduces stress and so does being around a dog so it's win win really, in the process you become closer to your dog and you both benefit from each other, plus it's a whole lot cheaper than a gym membership.

Well I hope this motivated some of you and you get out and do tonnes of stuff with your dogs, I'm defiantly going to be going on a few runs with mine. So here's to an really good year.

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