Designer Dogs

Hello hello people how is everyone doing? I hope the answer to that question is, very good, otherwise I hope it gets better soon. So moving on with the blog its not going to be a super long and at the end I'm going to do a personal update so if you don't want to know about my life feel free to click off, but I hope you enjoy this first bit. On with the show.

So this week all of my Facebook I have been seeing articles by the BVA and some newspapers about the rise of designer dogs, by this I mean breeds like French bulldogs, pugs and other small breed dogs, their rise to popularity has been due to celebrities posting pictures of their pooches on social media. Now I know I've done a post or two on this before, I recently did one on Scottish fold cats please feel free to go and read it, I have also done one quite a while ago about bulldogs and the like. But as this story was all over the news this week I thought I'd write another post on it as it is obviously still a major problem, and still rising.
 People are buying these dog as puppies because they are "fashionable" little do they realise that these breeds due to the way they have been selectively bred are in for a life of pain and struggle due to the genetic issues that come with the breeds. These issue are usually based around breathing with these short faced dogs, the way they have been bred means that their soft pallets which is like the rood of their mouths is too long. These breeds have been selectively bred to have shorter and shorter faces however the soft pallet hasn't changed so these breeds has difficulty breathing because their soft pallet and the rest of their breathing mechanism is the head has been squashed this is why they make that very laboured breathing noise, also as they already have breathing problems if these breeds become overweight which is likely to happen if the dog isn't being walked enough and is being overfed then this breathing problem can be magnified massively which puts strain on all of the dogs organs.
 I read in one article that vets have said that operations on these dogs and the number of cases involving these dogs and their genetic problems has increased 10 fold, I think that this problem really needs to be bought more into the public eye these dogs are suffering and struggling through life which isn't fair, the Guardian this week did an article about how there has been and influx of these certain breeds of dogs to Battersea dog rescue, the operation to clear the airways can cost £1,700 which is significant for this charity due to the number for dogs especially French bulldogs being left there. The Dog rescue has said please adopt, don't shop.
So please anyone reading this inform people of this issue and make people think about these breeds before they buy them, I know I've done a post like this before but I really do feel strongly that this issue needs to be bought into the public eye and people need to realise how much these animals are suffering.

So moving onto my life update. Well this week has been though many of my friends and school piers have gone off to university, many having had their freshers week, meanwhile I has just worked 6 days straight along with trying to sort out my academic time table for when I'm at home. slowly everything is coming together but I am feeling kind of dethatched from everything like I'm not experiencing life, I've never been on to go out clubbing every weekend but at the same time I would love to experience some classic 18/19 year old things. But I digress I think over the next week I'm going to try to finalise everything with my shifts and my chemistry and maths extra work. Also I have been trying to sort out my UCAS this has gone well however I am worried that some universities won't even look at my application because I didn't get in first time. Trust me it wasn't through lack of trying that I didn't get in which has made it all the more difficult but I'm moving on got to stay strong and move on with this year and take everything as it comes, I know its going to be a good year I cant wait to see where it takes me.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, please feel free to tune in next week I have no idea what it will be about but come find out. I hope you have a good week and great things happen. Good luck to everyone starting university and I hope all of the people who has just had freshers recover by Monday. To everyone enjoy life and remember all of the things you have to be thankful for. See you next week, well not see you but you know what I mean hope you tune in next week.


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