An Update and Sign Off

Hello people who read this, I know barely anyone reading this will have read many of my other posts and you may have just clicked on this by accident if so, Hi there. Anyways carrying on with this topic I have put in my title, bit of a random one I know but just go with it. Today will be my last post in a while as next week I start exams yay..... so this will become the least of my worries. If I do have a free moment then I will post something like an update and anything that has caught my eye, however in the mean time why don't you have a look at some of my other posts, some of them are semi decent. So I will apologies for my absence over the coming few weeks I hope you understand.

Also a lovely story from this week, so my dog is 15 years old this July and I suddenly thought about the lady we bought her from all of those years ago. So I did a bit of digging around on the internet and found the lady, I actually found out she was still breeding GSPs, and just a side note if anyone from the UK is reading this and is thinking about getting a dog, please consider a German Shorthaired Pointer they are one of the most wonderful breeds of dog in the world, and if you are thinking of getting a GSP look up this lady ( Emma Towns indijazz GSPs). Anyway so I found her email address and I sent her just a short email about how my dog Fizz is getting on and I also sent her some pictures. Now I know this may seem really weird and I wasn't sure if she'd reply but low and behold 3 days later I had a reply. she said how lovely it was to hear about one of her puppies from so long ago and how my dog looks exactly like her mum did, which I thought was the best bit, she also said how happy she was that our dog had bought our family so much joy. And she definitely has. So there is my story from last week hope you liked it I just thought it was quite sweet, if you have a dog that you bought when it was a puppy try to find the breeder and give them an update I can assure you it will brighten their day and probably yours if they reply.

So that's it for this week, sorry there hasn't been any veterinary news in a while I haven't really seen anything that has sparked my interest and I haven't been able to do much digging as all energy has been going into revision. So good luck any one who has exams and I hope that you reading this have a wonderful day. Hopefully will be posting here in the next few weeks. Thank you for reading.


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