New legislation for irresponsible dog breeding

Sorry I haven't posted in a while school has been rather manic. This week will have to be quite a short one. But here goes, so this week I was reading about a new legislation coming out about irresponsible dog breeding.

Now I think that this is very important topic. It could have knock on effects for the charities and could save many dogs from a life of pain and suffering. I think that if this legislation is properly put in place then it could help out charities that are overly full so that they don't have as many litters coming in or abandoned puppies, this can save the charities a lot of money as they aren't having to care for these dogs. Also it would help to decrease the amount of inbreeding and dogs being born with birth defects and genetic disorders that could cause them to have a short life span or cause them suffering.

The president of the BVA said in response to the statement about this topic released by DEFRA;
“This is a significant step in the right direction to improve the welfare of puppies and dogs in the UK, an issue our members are extremely concerned about as increasing numbers of poorly bred puppies are brought into veterinary practices. Poorly bred and badly socialised puppies cause terrible health and welfare problems for dogs so it is right that Defra has made irresponsible dog breeding a priority.We particularly welcome the move to make the sale of a puppy under eight weeks illegal, the reduction in the number of litters bred requiring a formal breeder’s licence, and the moves towards a single animal activities licence. In the future we would also like to see that anyone breeding from a dog should be required to register with their local authority. For these new measures to work in practice local authorities must have the necessary resources and support to fully enforce the legislation, supported by local veterinary expertise."

I believe all of this and on top of that I think that it will make people think about where they are getting their dogs from, and the fact that this legislation could help educate people is very important to me. On top of this legislation which is very prominent at the moment I also saw a story in the news about how 4 people have been prosecuted over a recent illegal puppy farm scandal, which is exactly what they deserve.

Finally I saw that a journalist has been hired by the BVA and BMJ the edit the veterinary record. For me this is special because I believe deeply in the fact that the veterinary profession needs for communicate with the doctors and human medicine sector, I feel that this new appointment could mean that more veterinary problems and possibilities come into the eye of the people which would be great and could help both vets and doctors.

Thank you for reading sorry it was short and a bit here and there. my facts were taken from the BVA website.


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