The history 
The set up of the SPCA happened in a London coffee house in 1824. Back then it was only known as the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. It was only in 1840 when Queen Victoria allowed the R to be put in front to make it the name we know today, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the RSPCA. 
Originally they would deal with pit horses working in the mines. And one of their first laws passed was to prevent cruelty to cattle. Then in 1835 the Pease's Act which prohibited the cruelty to dogs and other domestic animals, bear-baiting and cock fighting and required better slaughter houses. Their vision is " to live in a world where all animals are respected and treated with compassion." 

So what do they do? 
They are the oldest welfare charity around. Tgey try to bring in new laws about the prevention of cruelty to animals. To enforce these laws they have a dedicated team of officers who work in local areas to spot and deal with any cruelty or investigate any claims made. They also offer an adoption service for all the animals they sieze that can be rehomed on top of this they offer veterinary assistance and rehabilitation for any animal they take in. 

Here are just a few stats from the RSPCA website from 2014 
> 1,299,163 calls taken 
> 128,209 animals collected/ rescued
> 159,831 cruelty complaints investigated.
> 55,000 pets microchipped 
> 179,693 pets treated by vets who needed it.
> 81,781 animals neutered
> 400 equines rehomed 
> 53,263 animals rehomed 
> a new own brand of food.

So as you can see the RSPCA  do a tremendous amount to try and protect the animals in Britain and offer an amazing array of services. So if you have any suspicion of and animals cruelty in your area don't hesitate to call them. And if you are looking for a new pet they run a wonderful adoption service. 

( All facts on the blog were taken from the RSPCA website) 


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