Dr Sam to your service !

 Hi everyone, 

So I know I've been gone for a while, turns out Vet school and a global pandemic are kinda manic! 

Life updates I'm sure no one asked for, I am now Dr Sam Walker BVSc MRCVS, who would have thought that little 16 year old Sam who started this blog with the hopes of it helping her get into uni would be here 8 years later. I start my new job as a small animal vet in one and a half weeks, so my new intention for this page is to reflect and highlight the journey of a new graduate vet. Hopefully this will help other new grad vets out there and any other students who are wanting to become vets. 

This year was a tough one at uni, very much a get through it you've got this kind of year. I sat the NAVLE which is the exam needed to be able to practice in north America. I got my results 2 days before I sat my and I didn't pass, for any of you who have been reading this blog since I first sat my A-levels and didn't get the grades I needed. It was just like that I couldn't have worked any harder for that exam it was the hardest thing I'd ever done in my life and I wasn't good enough, so as you can imagine going into Finals i didn't have the upmost confidence in myself but here we are I passed and I am now a vet. I am restudying for the NAVLE which I am going to sit and PASS in December. I know I've got to speak it into existence and that I can do this. 

So stick around to hear about my steep learning curve over my next few months in practice and my journey with my mental health throughout all of that. Because in my opinion knowing other people are struggling and have tough feelings is so helpful because it makes me feel less alone. I look forward to sharing more with you guys and word vomiting on here each week or every other week we shall see. 


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