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Where's this month gone ?!

 How has it already been a month since I started working as a Vet. Looking back on the first month there's been some highs and lows. Today I wanted to reflect on Euthanasia's and Communication with your team.  Euthanasia's: They aren't easy, most of the ones that I have done have been ones where the owner has made the decision themselves, or with one of the other vets at the practice the owner has come to the decision to put their pet to sleep. There have been 2 cases where I have discussed it with the owner and the owner has come to the decision to put the pet to sleep. These were definitely the hardest ones because at the end of the day it is your final call on whether the animal lives or dies, in these cases I remind myself that the oath we all swore to enter into the RCVS was to uphold animal welfare. As horrible as it is when it comes to a treatable issue that the owners aren't willing to treat due money issues or something else, then in cases like that having

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